Photo of Alicia Amondarain Argentina
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1951 Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1974 National Teacher.
1975 Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts School.
1878 Prilidiano Pueyrredon Fine Arts School
Specialized in Painting.
1990 Lived and worked in Brussels, Belgium.

Currently lives and works in Old Palermo,
Buenos Aires.



The relationship between language and painting is an infinite relationship. No matter how well you say what...

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Photo of Alicia Amondarain Argentina


1951 Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1974 National Teacher.
1975 Manuel Belgrano Fine Arts School.
1878 Prilidiano Pueyrredon Fine Arts School
Specialized in Painting.
1990 Lived and worked in Brussels, Belgium.

Currently lives and works in Old Palermo,
Buenos Aires.



The relationship between language and painting is an infinite relationship. No matter how well you say what you have seen, what you have seen never resides in what you say. We surreptitiously pass from the space of talking to the space of contemplation, but to allow painting to light up its lights, we must keep both of them open and not to enclose one into the other.
That is what to write what I paint is an infinite task. I will get both spaces as close as possible.
Sometimes I feel that I make a picture and I find that the picture is making me.
I structure, unstructure. I work with strength and enthusiasm.
Democrito says in a fragment:
``The soul possessed with enthusiasm reaches a vision of the whole cosmos and of the living together with the process of creation of things.´´
My inspiration is strong. Restless, dynamic.I leave empty spaces, the white of the cloth or I propose white spaces charged of substance.
The emptiness as creative and vital human power, as the space in which everything is about to happen.
I go from just applying a transparent layer of painting to covering the surface thickly, delighting myself with the dragging of the brush touch, loosening it completely and occasionally refraining it, and even outlining it, establishing a constant of opposite situations by color, forces lines and energy charges that live together simultaneously.
In this going of the hidden and the unhidden, of what is discovered and does not appear, I finish my work or I just start it so I continue flowing like running water.
In other works on a deep blue background I lean out, peering into the mystery of the cosmos.
In conclusion, painting can be a party and I invite you to share it.


1968 National Teacher
1974 Fine Arts School M. Belgrano
1978 Fine Arts School P. Pueyrredon. Specialized in Painting
1982 Classes with Gabriel Messil
1998 Drama Performer
1998 Writer. Short stories, poetry, monologues


2004 Old Palermo Theatre Art Gallery and performing own monologues.
2002 Old Palermo Theatre Art Gallery and performing own monologues, and stories.
1998 El Agite. Villa Gesell.
1998 Bell Motel. Villa Gesell.
1998 Cultural House. Villa Gesell.
1997 Monserrat.
1995 Panamerican Games.
1992 House of the Basque Culture.
1992 Recoleta Cultural Center.
1991 Canada Foundation.
1990 La Movida . Brussels, Belgium .
1989 Visual Arts Museum. Concordia, Entre Rios.
1988 Direction of Culture of San Isidro City Hall.
1988 Cultural Center Las Malvinas.
1988 American Art Museum, Uruguay.
1987 Deustche Bank.
1987 Jung Institute of Buenos Aires.
1986 Damaso Arce Museum, Olavarria.
1986 Woody TV, Channel 2. La Plata.
1985 Bank of America, Lomas de Zamora.
1983 Silvia Rodriguez, Art and Design Center.
1982 Fra Angelico Gallery.
1981 Cultural House, Lomas de Zamora


2000 Solanas, Punta del Este, Uruguay.
2000 Taller Defensa.
1997 Artenativo.
1997 Engeneering University.
1995 Manuel Belgrano Salon.
1994 Miraflores, Pilar.
1989 House of the Basque Culture.
1995 Manuel Belgrano Salon
1989 Argentinisima, Channel 2. La Plata.
1989 San Martín Cultural Center.
1989 National Salon.
1988 National Salon.
1987 Ward Painting Salon.
1987 Blue Painting Salon.
1987 Plastic Art Salon, Moron.
1987 APSI Salon, San Isidro.
1986 Ward School.
1986 Blue Painting Salon.
1986 Bienal Arche- Modern Art Museum.
1986 Reward Artists of the International Youth Year UNESCO
1986 Woody TV, Channel 2 of La Plata.
1985 Federico Lanus Prize
1985 National Fund of Arts.
1985 Plastic Artists Assosiation of San Isidro.
1985 National Salon.
1985 Bienal Arche Prize-National Museum of Bellas Artes.
1984 Air France Contest, CAYC.
1983 ESSO Prize Museum of Modern Art.
1983 Union Carbide Prize, Museum of Quilmes.
1982 Nueva Manufacta Gallery.
1981 Ward Prize.
1981 Medical Circle of Lomas de Zamora.
1981 Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes.
Special Drawing Mention.
1981 Exposition in Homage to Picasso, SSAP.
1980 Braque Drawing Prize.
1977 National Salon OF Painting.


1997 NEVER AGAIN, Engeneering University.
1985 Special Mention of the Blue Jury.
1985 3rd International Youth Year Prize. UNESCO.
1985 3rd Ward Honour Mention.


Damaso Arce Museum.
American Art Museum,Uruguay.
Patricios Bank Foundation.
Visual Art Museum, Entre Rios.
Visual Art Museum, Benito Juarez.
Engeneering University, Buenos Aires.
Belgium and Spain particular collectors.


Arte al Día International.
Taller Defensa.

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